Release Date : Sep 9, 2009 Wide Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Pablo Fajardo,Luis Yanza,Germán Yáñez,Adolfo Callejas,Diego Larrea,Emergildo Criollo,Steve Donziger,Altossa Soltani,Alejandro Ponce,Joseph Kohn,Maria Garofalo,Sara McMillan,Ricardo Reis Vega,Rosa Moreno,Rafael Correa,Trudie Styler,Silvia Yanez
The story behind the world's largest oil-related environmental lawsuit comes to the screen as award-winning documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger (Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, Metallica: Some Kind of Monster) investigates the facts in the case of the so-called "Amazon Chernobyl," a disaster that occurred deep in the rain forests of Ecuador. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi Unrated
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User Ranting Movie Crude : 4User Percentage For Crude : 83 %
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New Review For Movie Crude
A bleak, necessarily incomplete tale, and suffers from a late intrusion by celebrity eco-botherer Trudi Styler. But with this gripping, angry film, Berlinger has put himself back on the side of the angels.Tom Huddlestone-Time Out
An engrossing case for justice.
Dennis Harvey-Variety
A gripping, multifaceted thriller about media politics, global economics, and legal infighting. Wherever your sympathies fall, this may teach you a lot about the way the modern world works.
Cliff Doerksen-Chicago Reader
One has to wonder if oil industry executives are concerned about the release of Joe Berlinger's damning documentary.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News
What Crude does best is take us behind the scenes and show in often candid detail how campaigns are waged, tactics decided on and strategies prioritized.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times
As the film very eloquently implies, when the greater good is defined as profits, and a lack of culpability is proportionate to your number of shareholders, well . . . a lot of petroleum-soaked chickens will be coming home to roost.
John Anderson-Washington Post
Another interesting film from Joe Berlinger
Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com
In a welcome change from many recent documentaries with an activist bent, the director is never seen on camera, never heard on the soundtrack, and does precious little overt editorializing.
Ian Buckwalter-DCist
This intense documentary tells a hugely important story that's packed with compelling characters and situations. Although a repetitive structure and a sense of agonising futility conspire to undermine the vital lessons it has to teach us.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall
Not exactly genre-bending innovation or anything but a decent documentary about an important episode in history of oil company exploitation.
Dan Jolin-Empire Magazine
Although the real-life outcome may be known to some, Crude still, at its best, unfolds like a courtroom thriller.
Kevin Maher-Times [UK]
The Ecuadorians' fight continues, and their courage isn't to be doubted. Even the much-mocked, much-maligned campaigner Trudie Styler emerges with credit for supporting them.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
Structurally a little jumbled, it's still a worthy addition to the angry eco-doc subgenre.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph
Gripping and powerful, Crude is documentary journalism as it needs to be. Blissful ignorance stirred with bland apathy is no longer an option.
Olly Zanetti-Little White Lies
There's much speechifying, with no high-octane finale - but that's near-unavoidable for a case still dragging on amid corrupt politicking.
Carmen Grey-Total Film
Berlinger's purpose is not to cheerlead or show Fajardo rubbing shoulders with celebrity activists like Trudie Styler and Sting, but to highlight how easily money can tilt the scales of justice.
David Parkinson-Radio Times
While the current trend in documentaries is to take stories and wrap them into neat little packages, Crude runs merrily against the grain.
David Edwards-Daily Mirror [UK]
Few of these films ever take solid, substantive slices of truth or attestation from both sides. They are always partial, which vitiates the eagerness with which we would, if we could, espouse the cause of downtrodden.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times
Joe Berlinger's film is a suitably forensic dissection of an ecological disaster and much less of a crusading piece of polemic than documentaries such as An Inconvenient Truth.
Derek Malcolm-Independent
The arguments are batted back and forth, and one's sympathy for the Ecuadorean side takes only a slight wobble when Trudi Styler gets behind the cause.
Anthony Quinn-Independent
A well-balanced documentary all the more incisive for its decision to eschew editorialising and let the evidence speak for itself.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express
A sturdy, hard-hitting account.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman
A powerfully emotional documentary that grips like an expert legal thriller - by turns uplifting, suspenseful and utterly devastating, this is likely to be one of the best documentaries of the year.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon
Crude unfolds like a pretty good legal thriller. Which, when you really think about it, is what this documentary feature is.
Jeff Vice-Deseret News, Salt Lake City
'Crude,' thankfully, brings insight and urgency to an issue that has until recently been ignored
New Movie Images Crude
Movie Overview For Crude
The story of lawsuit by tens of thousands of Ecuadorans against Chevron over contamination of the Ecuadorean Amazon.TagLine Crude
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