Release Date : Feb 11, 2011 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Charletta,Leonore Tiefer,Kim Wallen,Ray Moynihan,Susan Bennett,Carol Queen,Liz Canner,Andrilla Chakrabarti,Nan Cochran,John Griesemer
Liz Canner's shocking yet entertaining documentary ORGASM INC. explores the strange science of female pleasure, and in the process reveals the often warped mentality of our pharmaceutical and medical industries. ORGASM INC. begins when filmmaker Liz Canner is hired to edit erotic videos to be used in a drug trial for a pharmaceutical company. Her employer is developing what they hope will be the first FDA approved "Viagra" drug for women that will treat a new disease: Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Intrigued, Liz decides to make a movie about the science of female pleasure. But she soon begins to suspect that her employer, along with other medical and pharmaceutical companies, might be trying to take advantage of women (and potentially endanger their health) in pursuit of profit. With unique access and a deft style of interviewing, Liz embarks on a nine year odyssey as she follows pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers who are racing to be the first to win FDA approval for their product - be it pill, patch, nose spray, or some other delivery device. The promised cure: "normal" sexual function and orgasm. The prize: billions of dollars in profits. Despite its serious agenda, Canner brings wry humor to her film. Featuring illuminating footage and interviews with activists, doctors and medical experts (including Chicago-based sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman, whose new show will debut on the Oprah Winfrey Network), ORGASM INC. is a powerful, timely and, yes, entertaining look inside Big Pharma and other medical companies with their often misleading marketing campaigns that literally and figuratively reshape our everyday lives. Upbeat, engaging, enlightening, and provocative, ORGASM INC. will change the way you think about sex. -- (C) First Run Features
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New Review For Movie Orgasm, Inc.
Canner's deft exposé also makes clear that some of the highest-profile "experts" are shills for Big Pharma, and that genital mutilation is thriving in the West, in the form of cosmetic surgery.Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times
Can best be described as a compelling mess.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle
Some subjects are so compelling that not even bad filmmaking can ruin them. And for most of "Orgasm Inc.'' it feels as if Canner is trying with all her might to do just that.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe
Many documentaries lose focus or become unwieldy as their directors uncover unexpected facts about their subjects, but Canner is able to keep Orgasm Inc. trained on its eponymous theme ...
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
Essentially, "Orgasm Inc." illustrates a time-honored principle of capitalism, which is that you'll never go broke by convincing women that something is wrong with them and then selling them something to make it better.
Andrew O'
By taking a playful approach to a deeply serious subject, [director Liz Canner] explores the link between female sexuality and corporate profits with a style that's as entertaining as it is revelatory.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times
A must-see for women and men alike. So long as the filmmaker sticks to disturbing facts and figures...(the movie) provides a stiff tonic indeed.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest
[Shows] how the American pharmaceutical industry, in legion with famous doctors in its pay, has identified a disease, "female sexual dysfunction" (FSD), that they claim (dubiously) afflicts 43 percent of American women.
Gerald Peary-Boston Phoenix
...may seem targeted at female audiences, but the film has a universal appeal with its slap at big pharmaceutical corporations that...turn healthy people into patients just to sell their drugs.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews
Canner gives us all the subtext that was missing from "Love and Other Drugs."
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews
The film may not be orgasmic, but it is an education, a call to action, and a celebration of just how very normal female sexuality can be.
Leslie Stonebraker-New York Press
This is a strident issue movie with the feel of a more objective portrayal.
Jesse Cataldo-Slant Magazine
This thoughtful-if at times clumsy-film is the latest salvo in the ongoing debate over the increased power of the pharmaceutical industry.
Ethan Alter-NYC Film Critic
Broadly speaking, Canner hails from the Michael Moore school of first-person editorializing, but Orgasm Inc. isn't given to vanity or cheap shots, and her point of view isn't so jaundiced as to cut off discussion of female sexual problems altogether.
Scott Tobias-AV Club
An eye-opening, cautionary tale unveiling a diabolical corporate conspiracy to turn healthy people into patients by medicalizing everyday aspects of the human condition.
Kam Williams-NewsBlaze
[T]hose of us worldly and wise about human sexuality will be angry to see laid so, er, bare, the medicalization of our culture's unwillingness to meet women on their own terms...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher
Liz Canner's exposé of what big business and hungry wannabes and hangers-on do best-exploit fears, insecurities and myths at the expense of others and to their own enrichment-is familiar except for its ingenious exploitation of the female orgasm.
Doris Toumarkine-Film Journal International
Liz Canner's entertaining and infuriating expose about the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry's commercialization of female sexuality is a must-see for women of all ages, their lovers and physicians.
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Movie Overview For Orgasm, Inc.
Extraordinary behind-the-scenes access reveals a drug company's fevered race to develop the first FDA-approved Viagra for women - and offers a humorous but sobering look inside the cash-fueled pharmaceutical industry.TagLine Orgasm, Inc.
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